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User Guide

3D Design and Modeling

MicroStation's 3D tools let you work on a single 3D model, rather than separate 2D models.

The standard 3D tools are similar to the Feature Modeling tools. For information on the differences between these sets of tools, see the Overview topic.

DWG workmode and 3D
Basic 3D Concepts
Viewing a 3D model
View Control tool box
Change View Perspective
Set Display Depth
Set Active Depth
Show Display Depth
Show Active Depth
Camera Settings
Set View Display Mode
Navigate Camera
Clip Volume
Clip Mask
3D Elements
Drawing in 3D
Settings that affect SmartSolids/SmartSurfaces
3D Main tool frame
3D Primitives tool box
Place Slab
Place Sphere
Place Cylinder
Place Cone
Place Torus
Place Wedge
3D Construct tool box
Construct Revolution
Extrude Along Path
Shell Solid
Thicken to Solid
3D Modify tool box
Modify Solid
Remove Faces and Heal
Taper Solid
Construct Union
Construct Intersection
Construct Difference
Cut Solid
Fillet Edges
Chamfer Edges
Edit 3D Primitive
3D Utility tool box
Align Faces
Change SmartSolid Display
Extract Face or Edge Geometry
Intersect Solid/Surface with Curve
Construct Facet
Convert To SmartSolid/Surface
Surface Modeling tool frame
Create Surfaces tool box
Construct Surface by Section or Network
Construct Surface by Edges
Place Free-form Surface
Construct Skin Solid/Surface
Sweep Along Two Traces
Construct Helical Surface
Offset Surface
Create Planar Surface
Modify Surfaces tool box
Construct Trim
Project Trim
Convert 3D
Construct Stitch
Change Normal Direction
Untrim Surface
Change to Active Surface Settings
Split Surface
Extend Surface
Rebuild Surface
Fillet Surfaces tool box
Fillet Surfaces
Blend Surfaces
Blend Surface Between Rail Curves
3D Queries tool box
Evaluate Surface
Analyze Curvature
Using Cells in 3D
Annotating models in 3D