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Shell Solid

Use it!

(3D only) Used to create a hollowed out solid having faces of a defined thickness. One or more selected faces may be removed to create an opening. You can shell both standard solids and those that have been modified in some way.

In operation, you can select one or more faces as follows:

Tool SettingEffect
Shell Thickness

Sets the wall thickness for the remaining faces.

Shell Outward

If on, material is added to the outside; the original solid defines the inside of the walls.

To construct a shell solid with no faces removed
  1. Select the Shell Solid tool.

  2. In the Shell Thickness field, key in the desired thickness value.

  3. If required, turn on Shell Outward.

  4. Identify the solid.
    The solid highlights. Simultaneously, the face nearest the screen pointer location highlights also.

  5. Accept, away from the solid, to create the hollowed out shell solid.

To construct a shell solid with one or more faces removed
  1. Select the Shell Solid tool.

  2. In the Shell Thickness field, key in the desired thickness value.

  3. If necessary, turn on Shell Outward.

  4. Identify the solid.
    The solid highlights. Simultaneously, the face nearest the screen pointer location highlights also.

  5. Identify the face to remove (with a data point).
    The face highlights.

  6. Accept, to create the shell solid
    Identify further faces for removal (with <Ctrl> data points).

  7. Accept, to create the shell solid.

    Creating a shell solid

    Left: Identify the solid (1).

    Center: Identify the first face to remove with a data point (2)

    and the second face with a <Ctrl> data point (3).

    Right: Accept (4), to create the shell solid.


    Rendered view of the shell solid.