User Guide
User Guide
User Guide
Cells are used in 3D modeling in a manner similar to 2D (see Using Cells). 3D-specific details are covered in this section.
You can place a 2D cell in a 3D model and vice-versa. When a 3D cell is placed in a 2D model, it is placed as a Top view orientation. That is, with its X and Y design axes matching that of the 2D model's X and Y design axes.
The procedure for creating a cell in 3D is similar to that in 2D (see Creating and Editing Cells), with these differences:
3D cells, along with their 2D counterparts, are simply models in a DGN file that have the setting Can be placed as a cell turned on.
In 3D, the cell retains the orientation in which it was created. For example, a cell created in a Top view always is placed as though it is a Top view. That is, its length and width always would be along the x and y axes of the view (if AccuDraw is not active) or the AccuDraw drawing plane (when AccuDraw is used). Normally, cells should be created in one of the Orthogonal views to simplify future placement.
3D cells are created in a volume determined by the fence area and the view's Display Depth.
It is a good idea to create separate models of those objects that you later want to use as cells. |
In 3D, as is the case in 2D, any element that is closed, planar, and with its Area tool setting as solid, can be patterned. The Active Pattern Angle sets the angle of the pattern in the view in which the element is identified. If AccuDraw is active, the current AccuDraw drawing plane is used in defining this angle. If the element is parallel to the view, the actual pattern angle and the apparent angle are the same.