/Main /Our Products /How to Install

How to Install

  1. Download the archive with MDL applications
  2. Extract files from archive
  3. Open McroStation. Select menu "Utilities"->"MDL Applications". Now you will see dialog box which is used for MDL applications execution. Using "Browse" button you choose MPINSTALL.MA file which resides in the folder with unzipped files. Another way - you can key in in the key-in browser
  4. MDL LOAD [path to extracted files]\mpinstall.ma

  5. Use installation instructions and install the applications. After installation you should see "Molotov Project" menu available. You should restart MicroStation to see the changes.
  6. After restarting you will be able to use "Molotov project" menu to start the installed applications.

Installation will take not more than 5 minutes. If you still have some problems with installation, please write to mdlapps@advanced1.net

Please note, that downloaded archive already contains trial licenses for all our products which will work for a month. License files have "LIC" extensions.

How to Uninstall

You should remove mpmenu.ma from MS_INITAPPS configuration variable. Then you will still be able to start our tools from "MDL Applications" but "Molotov Project" menu will gone.

Change View MDL tool for MicroStation