Combo-box at the left
part of Saved View Selector’s dialog allows to choose Saved View, which will be
shown in View, which number you can choose in "View Number" option (it resides
on the right side of the combo-box).
By default the list of Saved Views consists of Saved Views of the current
model, all models of the current file and all references attached to the current
You can change the models of Saved Views being
taken from, using the Settings dialog, which can be opened with key-in MP SELECTOR SETTINGS
By default if you choose Saved View of
non-active model of the currently opened DGN file, then model of the Saved View
becomes active in the View, where Saved Views are shown (but if Saved View
belongs to the current model or reference model, then there will be no switching
between models in the View). So you can simultaneously work with two and more
models, each of which will be active in it’s own view.
If this way of switching between Saved Views
looks inconvenient to you, then you can change behavior of switching to simple
display or complete switching between models of Saved Views. You can find more
details in the "Settings" issue.