Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Used to review and modify the MSCATALOG table. Opens when SET DATABASE is keyed in the Key-in Window.
Lists each table for which a row exists in MSCATALOG. The MSCATALOG values for the selected table are displayed for modification in the fields. To modify the MSCATALOG values for a table, you must first select it.
Sets the unique entity or table number for the selected table (the entitynum value in the MSCATALOG row for the table).
Shows the largest mslink key value in the selected table.
MicroStation automatically adds 1 to this value when adding each new row to the database. |
Contains fields for setting the column values in the MSCATALOG row for the selected table that affect reviewing and reporting the database attributes of elements. This is the same as using Settings > Database > Setup as described in Database Setup dialog box.
Sets the default screen form, used in conjunction with the VSQL Review key-in, to review the database attributes of elements linked to rows in the selected table. This is the screenform value in the MSCATALOG row for the table.
Sets the name of the report table that can be created with the Generate Report Table tool to report on the database attributes of elements linked to rows in the selected table. This is the reporttable value in the MSCATALOG row for the table.
Key-in: ACTIVE REPORT <table:report_table>
Key-in: RS= table:report_table
Sets the SQL SELECT statement that is submitted with the Review Database Attributes of Element tool to review database attributes of elements linked to rows in the selected table. This is the sqlreview value in the MSCATALOG row for the table.
Key-in: ACTIVE REVIEW <SQL SELECT statement>
Key-in: RA= <SQL_SELECT_statement>
Sets the SQL SELECT statement that determines which elements linked to rows in the selected table are selected for fence operations. This is the fencefilter value in the MSCATALOG row for the table.
Key-in: DEFINE SEARCH <SQL_SELECT_statement>
Key-in: DS= <SQL_SELECT_statement>
Sets the name of the displayable attributes table that is used to determine which attributes of elements linked to rows in the selected table display in displayable attribute text nodes, and whether screen forms are used to display the attributes. This is the dastable value in the MSCATALOG row for the table.
Opens the Add Table dialog box, which is used to specify a table for which a row is to be inserted into MSCATALOG.
Deletes the selected table from the Tables list box.
Accepts modifications to MSCATALOG and closes the dialog box.
Closes the dialog box without modifying MSCATALOG.