Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Generate Report Table

Use it!

Used to generate a report table for each table that has rows attached to elements in the fence contents. A separate row is written to the associated report table for each attached row. The name of each report table is specified with the ACTIVE REPORT (RS=)  key-in. The structure of each report table is identical to the structure of the master table.

To generate a report table
  1. Use the Place Fence tool to mark an area.

  2. Select the Generate Report Table tool.

  3. Enter a data point.
    Each row that is attached to an element in the fence contents is copied to the report table associated to the master table that contains the row. The report table has one row for each linkage and there may be duplicate rows.
    After generating a report table, the final formatted report is generated with a database report writing program.


When a report table is generated, any existing tables of the same name are overwritten.

The fence contents are determined by the Fence (Selection) Mode.