Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Dimension Diameter Parallel

Use it!

Used to dimension the diameter of a circle or a circular arc, with the dimension placed parallel to the circle or arc and with tangent extension lines extending to the circle or arc. This method of orienting a dimension is also available as an option of the Dimension Element tool for circle and circular arc elements.

The Alignment is set in the Dimension Styles dialog box (Placement category).

Tool SettingEffect

Displays the active dimension style. Drop-down list box allows you to select other available dimension styles.

Magnifying glass icon

Opens the Dimension Styles dialog box, which is used to control settings for dimensioning.

  • If on, snapping a tentative point to the element being dimensioned causes an association point to be created.

  • If off, no associations are created.

To dimension diameter with the dimension placed parallel
  1. Select the Dimension Diameter Parallel tool.

  2. Identify the circle or arc.

  3. Enter a data point to define the location and orientation of the dimension.

    Dimension Diameter Parallel