User Guide
User Guide
User Guide
The Modify Curves tool box has tools that are used to modify curves.
To |
Select in the Modify Curves tool box |
Change a B-spline curve's attributes to the active B-spline curve settings. |
“Clean up” curves with large numbers of control points. |
Extend a B-spline curve. |
Reverse the direction of an open B-spline curve or change the start of a closed B-spline curve. |
Convert an element to a B-spline curve with the same shape. |
Construct a blend curve between two elements. |
Convert a B-spline curve to lines, a line string, a stream curve, arcs or points. |
Flatten or project MicroStation curve type elements. |
Deform a curve with restrictions. |
Graphically and numerically evaluate the attributes of a B-spline curve at given locations on the curve. |