User Guide
User Guide
User Guide
The tools in the Measure tool box are used to perform measuring operations.
To |
Select in the Measure tool box |
Measure the distance(s) along an element. or Measure the cumulative distance from a data point. or Measure the perpendicular distance between an element and a data point. or Measure the minimum distance between two elements. |
Measure the radius of a circle, circular arc, cone, or cylinder, or the axes of an ellipse or elliptical arc. |
Measure the angle between two lines. |
Measure the length of an element. |
Measure the area and perimeter of a shape, ellipse, or complex shape and to analyze mass properties. |
Measure the volume enclosed by an element or a set of elements and to analyze mass properties. |
To ensure accurate measurements, snap to the reference elements and points when using measuring tools. For information about snapping, see Snapping to Points on Elements. |