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User Guide

Measure Area

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Used to measure area and perimeter.

Tool SettingEffect

Sets the area that is measured.

  • Fence
  • — Area enclosed by the fence.
  • Intersection
  • — Area bounded by the intersection of two or more closed planar elements.
  • Union
  • — Area bounded by the union of two or more closed planar elements.
  • Difference
  • — Area bounded by the difference between two or more closed planar elements.
  • Flood
  • — Area enclosed by elements that either touch one another or whose endpoints fall within the Maximum Gap.
    see footnote 24
  • Points
  • — Planar area with its vertices defined by a series of data points.
Tolerance (%)

For curves, sets the maximum percentage of the distance between the true curve and the approximation used to measure. A low Tolerance makes the measurement more accurate but increases calculation time.

Mass Properties

If on, the mass property analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.

Display Centroid

If on, a graphic crosshair that represents the measured element's center of mass is displayed.

Locate Interior Shapes

(When Method is set to Flood) If on, the area enclosed by the bounding elements is calculated, minus the area of any closed elements inside the bounding area.

Max(imum) Gap

(When Method is set to Flood) Sets the largest distance allowed between consecutive elements. If zero, the elements must connect to bound an area.

To measure the area and perimeter of one element
  1. Use the Element Selection tool to select the element.

  2. Select the Measure Area tool.

  3. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Element.

  4. Accept the element.
    The element's area (A=) and perimeter (P=) in master units are displayed in the status bar.

Alternative Method — To measure the area and perimeter of one element
  1. Select the Measure Area tool.

  2. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Element.

  3. Identify the element.
    The element's area (A=) and perimeter (P=) in master units are displayed in the status bar. If Mass Properties is on, the mass properties analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.

To measure the area defined by a fence
  1. Use the Place Fence tool to place a fence.

  2. Select the Measure Area tool.

  3. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Fence.

  4. Accept the fence contents.
    The fence's area (A=) and perimeter (P=) in master units are displayed in the status bar. If Mass Properties is on, the mass properties analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.

To measure the area of the intersection or union of closed elements
  1. Select the Measure Area tool.

  2. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Intersection or Union.

  3. Identify one element.

  4. Identify another element(s).
    As you accept each successive element, the edges that do not serve as the basis for the area to measure are hidden. The resulting area is highlighted.
    If the elements do not overlap, the following occurs, depending on the Method:


    If elements do not overlap, then


    “Elements do not intersect” is displayed.


    Each element is highlighted.

  5. After you accept the last element, Reset to finish (or select a different tool).
    The area (A=) in square master units of the intersection or union is displayed in the status bar. If the elements overlap, the perimeter (P=) is also displayed. If Mass Properties is on, the mass properties analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.

To measure the area of the difference between elements
  1. Select the Measure Area tool.

  2. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Difference.
    If any elements are selected, they are de-selected.

  3. Identify the element from which to subtract.

  4. Identify the element(s) to subtract from the element that was identified in step 3.

  5. After you have identified all the elements to subtract from the element identified in step 3, enter a data point to accept.
    The edges that do not serve as the basis for the measured area are hidden.

  6. Reset to display the area (A=) and perimeter (P=) in master units in the status bar. If Mass Properties is on, the mass properties analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.
    Return to step 4 to identify more elements to subtract.

To measure the area enclosed by elements that touch
  1. (Optional) Select the elements.

  2. Select the Measure Area tool.

  3. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Flood.

  4. (Optional) If you want to exclude, from the total measurement, the area of any closed elements inside the selected area, turn on Locate Interior Shapes.

  5. Enter a data point in the area enclosed by the bounding elements.

  6. Accept the elements.
    The area (A=) and perimeter (P=) in master units are displayed in the status bar. If Mass Properties is on, the mass properties analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.

To measure an area defined by data points
  1. Select the Measure Area tool.

  2. In the Tool Settings window, set Method to Points.

  3. Enter a data point to define each vertex of an imaginary shape that encloses the area.
    The imaginary shape is dynamically displayed.

  4. When done, Reset.
    The area (A=) and perimeter (P=) in master units are displayed in the status bar. If Mass Properties is on, the mass properties analysis is displayed in the Mass Properties window.