Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Export CGM File dialog box

The Export CGM File dialog box and the dialog boxes that can be opened from its menus have items for setting options for converting a design file to a CGM file. The Export CGM File dialog box opens when a filename is selected in the Save As CGM Drawing File dialog box (File menu > Export > CGM…).

Export CGM File dialog box


Output File

Displays the name, directory, and version of the file to be exported. CGM version 1.0 is supported.


A description can be saved in the CGM file. By default, the description is “Created in MicroStation.” If desired, you can key in your own description.


During the conversion, displays messages about its progress, which are also saved in the Log file.


Exports the design file to a CGM file.


Closes the dialog box without exporting the design file.

File menu > Settings File > Attach…

Opens the Attach Settings File dialog box, which is used to attach an export settings file.

The controls are analogous to those in the Open dialog box (see Open).

File menu > Settings File > Save

Saves the export settings in the attached export settings file.

File menu > Settings File > Save As…

Opens the Save Settings File As dialog box, which is used to save the export settings in a new export settings file.

The controls are analogous to those in the Save As dialog box (see Save As).

File menu > Log File…

Opens the Log File dialog box, which is used to specify an alternate Log file.

The controls are analogous to those in the Save As dialog box (see Save As).

Settings menu > General

Opens the CGM Export Settings dialog box, which is used to set general CGM export settings.

CGM Export Settings dialog box


Settings menu > Text Fonts…

Opens the Font-Text Style Mapping dialog box, which can be used to set the text style to which a MicroStation Font is converted.

Font-Text Style Mapping dialog box


Settings menu > Line Styles…

Opens the Line Style-LineType Mapping dialog box, which is used to set how MicroStation Standard line styles are converted to CGM linetypes.

Settings menu > Reference Files

Opens the CGM Reference Files Settings dialog box, which is used to set how MicroStation design file levels are converted to CGM layers.

Settings menu > Weight Width…

Opens the (CGM Export) Weights dialog box, which is used to set how MicroStation line weights are converted to polyline widths in the CGM file.