Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
MicroStation can import and export files of the following formats:
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) — a public domain, ANSI standard, interchange file format that is intended as an international standard for the exchange of product definition data between different CAD/CAM systems. For information that is specific to IGES translation, see IGES File Exchange. For information about exporting IGES files that are compliant with the CALS Class I or Class II specifications, see Exporting CALS-compliant IGES files.
Parasolid XMT — a file format that converts Parasolid XMT data into (import) or from (export) a MicroStation DGN file.
ACIS SAT — a file format that converts ACIS SAT data into (import) or from (export) a MicroStation DGN file.
CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) — an ANSI standard for the exchange of picture data between different graphics software. CGM file exchange is device-independent and environment-independent.
STEP AP203/AP214 — a file format that converts STEP AP203 and AP214 data into (import) or from (export) a MicroStation DGN file. AP203 conformance classes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are supported. Although both DIS and IS versions of AP203 are supported, DIS is supported for background compatibility only. For information that is specific to STEP AP203/AP214 translation, see STEP AP203/AP214 File Exchange .
VRML World (export only) — a file format that translates MicroStation into VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), including placing interactive links between geometry in the VRML world and other Internet locations or VRML worlds.
STL (Stereolithography) — a file format that converts STL files into (import) or from (export) a MicroStation DGN file.
A number of third-party translators to various formats are available from Bentley Developer Network member vendors.
The system Clipboard, if one exists, can be used to exchange data with other applications.
General Data Exchange Information