Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats

Working with Seed Files

Whenever you create a new DGN or DWG file, a seed file is required. The contents of the seed file is copied into the new DGN or DWG file. Generally, seed files only contain settings and attributes. Some companies also incorporate graphic data such as logos and drawing sheets into a seed file.

Using DGN seed files containing DWG standards

If you plan to work with DGN files that will be converted to DWG format, it is helpful to set up a special DGN seed file that contains the standard level (layer), text style, dimension style, line style (linetype), and units settings required for the DWG deliverable.

The easiest way to do this is to start with a DWG file containing the settings, then create a DGN seed file from it.

To create a DGN seed file containing DWG standards
  1. In MicroStation, open the DWG file that contains the settings to use as standards.

  2. Review and modify settings as necessary.

  3. From the File menu, choose Save As.
    The Save As dialog box opens.

  4. From the Select Format To Save option menu, choose MicroStation V8 DGN Files.
    The filename in the Files field will now have the DGN, rather than the DWG, extension.

  5. Under Directories, navigate to the appropriate seed directory (for example, ..\Bentley\Workspace\Standards\Seed).

  6. Click OK to save the file in the seed file directory.

Using DWG seed files

A seed DWG can be used to establish project standards. Every time that you create a DWG file, you can use the seed DWG file that contains the project's standard level (DWG layer) configuration, text and dimension style, working units (DWG units), and line style (DWG linetype) settings.

The default seed.dwg file delivered with MicroStation contains one design model and two sheet models named Layout1 and Layout2. The default seed file also contains view groups for each model.