Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats

Creating DWG Files

In MicroStation, you can create a new DWG file from a DWG seed file. A DWG seed file is simply a DWG file that contains default settings and attributes.

To create and open a new DWG file
  1. From the File menu, choose New.
    The New dialog box opens.
    The default filter is MicroStation DGN Files [*.dgn].
    The file specification for the default seed DGN file is displayed in the Seed File section.

  2. Change the filter to AutoCAD Drawing Files [*.dwg] under the File Type option menu.
    The Seed File section now displays a seed DWG file.

  3. (Optional) To select a different seed DWG file, click the Select button and use the Select Seed File dialog box.

  4. (Optional) To select a different destination disk drive, choose the desired drive from the Drives option menu.

  5. (Optional) To select a different destination directory, use the Directories list box.

  6. In the Files field, key in a name for the new DWG file. Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
    The file list is useful for ensuring that the new filename is not that of an existing file, or for selecting an existing filename and amending it.

  7. Click OK.
    The new DWG file opens. It uses the settings defined in the DWG seed file. Note that the DWG file symbol appears in the status bar at the bottom right of the program window.