Printing Guide
Printing Guide
Printing Guide

Print dialog box layout behavior

This following describes the basic default print area and page layout behavior of the standard Print dialog box. Note that, while much of this behavior is configurable, such configuration is beyond the scope of this document.

Initial Layout and Print Area

When the Print dialog is first invoked, the print size is usually maximized to the printer driver's default paper size. A non-maximum print size may be used, however, if the desired print scale is specified in the printer driver (.plt) file.

The long edge of the print area is automatically aligned with the long edge of the paper. For Bentley printer drivers, this is accomplished via the Rotate option button. For system printers, the appropriate paper orientation is selected. Normally, it should not be necessary to manually adjust either the rotation or the orientation to achieve the desired scale.

The initial print area is determined as follows:

The print area mode option button on the Print dialog is set to indicate the current print area in use.

If the print size does not precisely match the paper size, and auto-center is enabled in the printer driver (.plt) file, the print origin is automatically set to center the print area within the page. This occurs whenever the print size or scale is changed.

New Printer

When a new printer driver (or a new printer name in case of a system printer driver) is selected, the paper size is changed to the new printer's default paper size. The orientation/rotation automatically is set to achieve the best fit. The print size always is maximized to the new paper size.

New Paper Size

When a new paper size is selected, or the form size is changed manually, the orientation/rotation is automatically set to achieve the best fit. The print scale behavior depends on the print area mode.

New Orientation or Rotation

If either the paper orientation or the Rotation option button is changed, the Print dialog assumes the current print scale is not desired. The print size is maximized to the paper size, which may or may not be a best fit. For sheet print area mode, the print area is re-calculated using the original sheet definition. This can result in a larger scale if the design area previously had been clipped to accommodate the sheet scale.

Generally, it is undesirable to change the paper orientation for Bentley printer drivers. In most cases, the Rotation button should be used instead.

New Print Scale

When a new print scale is specified, the behavior depends on the currently selected print area mode.

New Print Size

If a new print size is specified, the print scale is changed accordingly. User-entered print sizes larger than the paper size are not permitted, regardless of the print area mode.

New Print Position

If a new print origin is specified, the print scale and size are reduced as necessary to accommodate the new origin, regardless of the print area mode.

If the print area is clipped to accommodate the print scale, then the print origin automatically is set to zero. In that situation, the origin should not be changed manually. New origin values are honored briefly, until the print scale is re-entered. After that, the origin is reset to zero when the clipped print area is recalculated.


If the print size is maximized, the print size is maximized to the paper size at the current orientation/rotation. For non-view print area modes, the print area is re-calculated using the original sheet definition, MicroStation fence, or design fit criteria. This can result in a larger scale if the design area previously had been clipped to accommodate the sheet scale.

New Fence

If a new fence is placed, and the print area mode is not Sheet, the Print dialog automatically uses the new fence as the print area. The print area mode is changed to fence. The orientation/rotation automatically is set to achieve the best fit. If the current print scale with the new fence results in an unclipped print size that fits the paper, the current print scale is left unchanged. Otherwise, the print size is maximized. This behavior permits fences to be moved from location to location within a model without having to reset the print scale. Note that the new fence area never is automatically clipped to accommodate the existing print scale.

If the view that the new fence was placed in is not the same as the current Print dialog view, the print attributes are reset from the new view. Otherwise, the print attributes are left unchanged.

If a new fence is placed, and the print area mode is Sheet, the fence is ignored unless the print boundary fence key-in command is used.

New View

If a new view number is selected, the behavior depends on the currently selected print area mode.

Configure Windows Printer

When “Apply” or “Print” is selected in the Configure Windows Printer dialog box, the Print dialog behaves as if a new selected printer was chosen. After the new printer steps are performed, the paper orientation is set to the orientation selected in the Windows dialog. The Print dialog then attempts to restore the print scale that was set before Configure Windows Printer was invoked. When the print area mode is sheet, this may result in design area clipping.

Update from View

When Update from View is selected, all new view parameters are loaded from the MicroStation environment for the selected view number. This includes the view origin and delta, the view attributes, and the level display settings. The orientation/rotation automatically is set to achieve the best fit. If the current print scale with the new print area results in a print size that fits the paper, the current print scale is left unchanged. Otherwise, the print size is maximized. This behavior permits Update from View to be used to update level display and print attributes without disturbing the current print layout.

If the print area mode is Fence, the behavior is the same as updating with View print area mode followed by placing a new fence.

If the print area mode is Fit, the behavior is the same as updating with View print area mode, except that the design range is recalculated and the print size is maximized.

If the print area mode is Sheet, the behavior is the same as updating with View print area mode, followed by changing the print area mode to Sheet.

New print Area mode

Changing the print Area mode, does the following:

When the print Area mode is changed, new view, fence, or sheet parameters are obtained from the MicroStation environment. In this manner, the print area mode control acts like the Update from View control. When the view number is changed, the behavior is the same as when the print area mode is changed.

Total versus Usable Area

With Bentley printer drivers and the default system printer driver (printer.plt), the paper size represents the usable area. Everything within this area will be printed (with the exception of lines residing precisely on the paper boundary, which may be clipped by either MicroStation or the output device). Typically, the usable area is smaller than the physical paper dimensions.

When the /fullsheet qualifier is added to the sysprinter record in the system printer driver file, printer.plt, the paper size represents the total paper size. The total paper area includes the usable area and the non-printable hardware margins. The usable area is depicted within the preview window by a red dashed rectangle. Data outside this rectangle will not be printed.

Printer Driver Default Scale

If a default scale is specified in the printer driver (.plt) file (either through the /scale qualifier in the size record, or through the default_scale record), that scale is applied when the Print dialog is first invoked, when the printer driver is changed, when the view is recalculated during a fit operation, when the sheet definition is loaded, and (optionally) when the paper size is changed. If the default printer driver scale is used, the design area is automatically clipped to accommodate it.

Page Layout Default Behavior Summary

The following table displays the page layout default behavior.

Layout rules

Design area is clipped if needed to accommodate current print scale

Default printer driver scale is applied (implies design area clipping if needed)

Initial layout

  • Auto-center flag reset from driver

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Print size maximized

Not applicable


New printer driver

  • Auto-center flag reset from driver

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Print size maximized



New paper size

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Current print scale preserved



(No by default)

Current paper size dimensions changed

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Current print scale preserved



New orientation and/or rotation

Print size maximized



New view

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Current print scale preserved



New fit view

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Print size maximized



New fence

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Current print scale preserved



New sheet definition

  • Best-fit orientation and/or rotation selected

  • Current print scale preserved

