Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Copy and Increment Enter Data Field

Use it!

Used to copy and increment the contents of an enter data field that contains numbers into another enter data field.

Tool SettingEffect
Tag Increment

The amount by which the numeric part of the text element is increased (can be any integer between -32768 and 32767, inclusive). Can also be set by keying in TI=<value>.

To copy and increment an enter data field
  1. Select the Copy and Increment Enter Data Field tool.

  2. Identify the enter data field to copy and increment.

  3. Identify the enter data field(s) in which to place the incremented copy(s).

    Copy and Increment Enter Data Field with Tag Increment of 10.

    Identify the enter data field to copy (1) and then the enter data fields in which to place the incremented copies (2 and 3).



To copy and increment a text element that contains numbers, use the Copy and Increment Text tool.