Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Reassociate Dimension

Use it!

Used reassociate a linear or radial dimension to an element.

You can reassociate dimensions to elements individually, or by using a fence and selection set. The intended elements must appear in the view window for the reassociation of their dimensions to occur.

To identify dimensions that have lost their association, Display Broken Associations with Different Symbology, in the Operation category of the Preferences dialog box (Utilities > Preferences…) is on by default. With this setting on, any dimensions that lose their associativity are emphasized with a thick, dashed line.

This tool supports linear and radial dimensions (line, line string, multi-line, shape, circular arc, or circle). It does not support ordinate dimensions or angle dimensions. To reassociate an ordinate dimension to an element, for example, use the Modify Element tool.

Tool SettingEffect
Use Fence

If on, reassociates dimensions within the fence contents that have lost their associativity.

To recreate a dimension's associativity individually
  1. Select the Reassociate Dimension tool.

  2. Identify the dimension to reassociate.
    The dimension highlights, as well as the element to which the dimension was associated.

  3. Enter a data point to accept the reassociation.
    The dimension is reassociated with its element, and the thick, dashed lines representing the broken dimension are restored to the active line weight.

To recreate several dimensions' associativity using the fence
  1. Using the Place Fence tool, draw a fence around the dimensions that have lost their associativity.

  2. Select the Reassociate Dimension tool.

  3. In the tool settings window, turn on Use Fence and select a Fence mode.

  4. Enter a data point to select the fence contents.
    The dimensions highlight, as well as the elements to which the dimensions were associated.

  5. Enter another data point to accept the fence contents.
    The dimensions are reassociated with their intended elements, and the thick, dashed lines representing broken dimensions are restored to the active line weight.