Visualization Guide
Visualization Guide
Visualization Guide

Modify Animation Camera

Use it!

Used to modify an animation camera. The tool settings basically are the same as those for the Create Animation Camera tool, with the addition of an option to display a list of existing cameras.

When working with this tool, you can identify the animation cameras graphically, or you can double-click their names in the list box that appears when Display Camera List is on.

Modify Animation Camera dialog box

Tool SettingEffect
Modify Camera To View

If on, lets you modify the view from the camera to that of a selected view.

Lens Angle

Lets you modify the angle, in degrees, for the lens. A value of zero specifies a parallel projection.

Focal Length

Lets you modify the lens focal length, in millimeters.

Standard Lens

Lets you modify the camera to set the Lens Angle and Focal Length in accordance with the following:

  • Standard lens — FishEye, ExtraWide, Wide, Normal, Portrait, Telephoto, or Telescopic.

  • Parallel (Off) — specifies a parallel projection (zero Lens Angle).

  • Custom — default setting when the Lens Angle or Focal Length is set manually.

Front Clip

If on, lets you modify the distance, in working units, from the camera to the front clipping plane. If off, the front clipping plane is at the camera origin (no clipping).

Back Clip

If on, lets you modify the distance, in working units, from the camera to the back clipping plane. If off, there is no back clipping plane.

Lens Diameter

Lets you modify the diameter, in working units, of the camera lens.

  • For a parallel projection (zero Lens Angle), a lens diameter is required.

  • For a non-zero Lens Angle, a positive value places the focal point behind the camera origin.

Display Camera List

If on, a list box containing the names of existing cameras is displayed.

To modify an animation camera
  1. Select the Modify Animation Camera tool.

  2. Identify the camera.

  3. In the Modify Animation Camera settings window, adjust the camera settings as desired.

  4. Enter a data point to redefine the camera target.

To modify an animation camera to a view
  1. Select the Modify Animation Camera tool.

  2. Identify the camera.

  3. In the Modify Animation Camera settings window, turn on Modify Camera To View.

  4. Identify view to modify camera to.