User Guide
User Guide
User Guide

Rotate Active ACS

Use it!

Used to rotate the Active ACS. The origin is not moved. After keying in rotation angles for the x-, y-, and/or z- axes, Absolute and Relative buttons let you choose whether to rotate the ACS relative to a Top view orientation (Absolute) or relative to its current orientation (Relative).

To rotate the active ACS
  1. Select the Rotate Active ACS tool.
    The Rotate Active ACS dialog box opens.

  2. In the Rotate fields, enter the rotation angles, in degrees, from left to right, for the x-, y-, and z-axes.
    see footnote 90

  3. Click either of the following buttons:

    To rotate Active ACS from


    Unrotated (top) orientation


    ACS's current orientation


  4. When you are finished, click Done to close the Rotate Active ACS dialog box.