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User Guide

Group Holes

Use it!

Used to identify a solid element and the hole elements to be associated with the solid.

The solid and its associated hole(s) can be shapes, ellipses, and/or complex shapes that are in the same plane. Holes are not patterned and appear “transparent” in rendered views.

To group a solid and a hole(s)
  1. Select the Group Holes tool.

  2. Identify the solid element.

  3. Identify the hole element(s) to associate with the solid.

  4. Accept the last element.

  5. Reset.
    The solid and holes are consolidated into a group (orphan cell). The area attribute (solid or hole) of each element is set appropriately. The holes immediately follow the solid in the group definition.

    Group Holes. The block is identified as the solid and the circle and hexagon are holes (Top view).



One way to create a 3D solid of extrusion or revolution with a hole(s) in it is to use the Group Holes tool to associate the planar boundary element with its associated holes before generating the solid with the Extrude tool or the Construct Revolution tool.

Rendered view of an extruded solid generated from the group created in the illustration.