Raster Manager Guide
Raster Manager Guide
Raster Manager Guide

Binary Workmode

Raster Manager provides three (3) binary workmodes. Each workmode is designed to handle, manage and display binary (1-bit) image files in a specific way.


To ensure compliancy with versions before 2004 Edition, workmodes can be used to revert back to previous display modes.

A workmode is activated by using an environment variable. There are 3 workmodes: Monochrome, Raster Reference and 2-color. By default, when the environment variable is not set, absent, or defined with an invalid value, the workmode “2-color” is automatically set as the default workmode.

To set or change the default workmode

  1. Create the environment variable MS_RASTER_1BIT_WORKMODE.

  2. Assign a valid numeric value (0, 1 or 2) to the above environment variable.

The valid values are as follows:

  • (0) : Monochrome

  • (1) : Raster Reference

  • (2) : 2-color

(0) Monochrome

When assigned to 0 (zero), binary files are treated equally as monochrome formats. In this mode, 2–color formats are read as monochrome. This mode complies with Industry Standards for 1-bit raster image file formats. When 1-bit raster image files are exchanged between different systems / applications, they should always display identically. This mode ensures consistency when MicroStation Raster Manager preserves the visual aspects of 1-bit raster image files, especially when working in DWG Workmode, transitioning to and from Bentley I/RAS B, or other MicroStation based programs.

Background pixel color is always identical to the view background color.

Foreground color assigned to foreground pixels is set as assigned by the Foreground Color setting.

When the foreground pixel color is identical to the view background color, the raster image file foreground pixel color is automatically changed to a different color that will render these pixels visible in the View.

When displaying 2–color images in the “monochrome” workmode, the image's colors will be replaced by the colors that were selected in the Attach Raster Reference dialog box.

(1) Raster Reference

In this mode, raster image files are displayed as in a fashion that complies with MicroStation´s former raster engine, Raster Reference.

(2) 2-color

The 2-color mode complies with the 8.0 and 8.1 versions of MicroStation Raster Manager.