Raster Manager Guide
Raster Manager Guide
Raster Manager Guide

Modify Clip

Use it!

Used to modify the clipping polygon for a clipped raster image.

Tool SettingEffect
Update After Each Modification

If ON, the raster image updates after each modification to the clipping polygon.

If OFF, no modification is made to the display of the raster image until modifications to the clipping polygon are completed and you enter a Reset.

To modify a clipping polygon without automatic updating
  1. Select the Modify Clip tool.

  2. In the tool settings window, turn off Update After Each Modification.

  3. Identify the raster image.

  4. Identify the clipping polygon to modify at the point to be modified.

  5. Make the modification.

  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any further modifications that are required.

  7. Enter a Reset to complete.
    The raster image updates to reflect the modifications to the clipping polygon.

To modify a clipping polygon with automatic updating
  1. Select the Modify Clip tool.

  2. In the tool settings window, turn on Update After Each Modification.

  3. Identify the raster image.

  4. Identify the clipping polygon to modify at the point to be modified.

  5. Make the modification.
    The raster image updates to reflect the modification to the clipping polygon.

  6. (Optional) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for further modifications.