User Guide
User Guide
User Guide

Match All Element Settings

Use it!

Used to change all active element attribute settings, including those specific to particular element types, so they match the attributes of an element in the design. When a cell is matched, the active scale factors and Active Cell are also matched.

Tool SettingEffect
Match Multi-line Caps

If on, multi-line caps settings are matched as well.

To match an element's attributes
  1. Select the element.

  2. Select the Match All Element Settings tool.

Alternative Method — To match an element's attributes
  1. Select the Match All Element Settings tool.

  2. Identify the element.

  3. Accept the new active settings.

Alternative Method — To match an element's attributes
  1. With AccuSnap enabled, hover the pointer over the element whose level and attributes you want matched.

    The active level and level attributes are changed to that of the highlighted element.


This tool is also referred to as SmartMatch.

To change the color, line style, line weight, or level of an element(s) to the active element attributes, use the Change Element Attributes tool.