Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide


The Attributes group box contains controls for changing the element's level, color, line style, line weight, fill type, fill color, and class.


Sets the level on which an element is placed.


Sets the color of an element unless ByLevel/ByCell was on when the element was placed. Color is stored as a value in the 0-255 range.


Sets the style of an element unless ByLevel/ByCell was on when the element was placed. A standard line style is stored as a value in the 0-7 range.


Sets the line weight of an element unless ByLevel/ByCell was on when the element was placed. Line weight is stored as a value in the 0-31 range, where 0 is lightest (narrowest) and 31 is heaviest.

Fill Type

Sets the Active Fill Type — None (no fill), Opaque (filled with the element's Color), or Outlined.

Fill Color

Sets color with which the element(s) are filled.


Sets the class of an element. Different types of elements are stored as different types of classes.

For technical information about element classes, see Class.

Properties option menus

The Properties group box contains option menus that show the element's properties. These option menus are used to show or change the element's properties. Properties are element attributes that are manipulated mainly by MicroStation and applications.


If zero, the element is not in a graphic group. A non-zero value is the number of the graphic group of which the element is a member.

If the Graphic Group lock is on, the whole graphic group is analyzed.

To create a graphic group, use the Add to Graphic Group tool.