Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

View Options

Consists of controls for setting preferences to customize MicroStation's view window look/layout.

Scroll Bars on View Windows

If on (the default), view windows are displayed with borders, including scroll bars and view control bars.

Black Background -> White

If on, the view background color (if set to black) is displayed in white. The default is off.

Tile Counter Clockwise

Controls the effect of choosing Tile from the Window menu, when four views are open.

Tile Like IGDS

Choosing Tile orders views

Off (default)

From left to right starting with lowest-numbered view at top-left, as shown:

1 2

3 4


Counterclockwise starting with lowest-numbered view at top-right, as shown:

2 1

3 4

If more or fewer than four views are open, this preference has no effect on tiling.

Preserve Aspect Ratio of Views

If on, MicroStation attempts to open views based on the aspect ratio of views from the last saved version. It only applies if you have changed the size of MicroStation's application area since saving a file.

Update Frequency

Used to set the frequency in seconds of display update when rendering. The default is 0.5.

Gamma Correction

Affects the brightness of rendered images on the Right/primary (and, if present, a Left/secondary) screen.

Gamma correction compensates for the spectral characteristics of the display or printer. The default value of 1.0 is close to ideal for most monitors. The valid range is 0.1 to 3.0.

Increasing the Gamma Correction setting has the effect of lightening images; decreasing it darkens images. A change in this preference is effective the next time a view is updated.

Max Grid Pts/View

Sets the maximum number of displayable grid points in a view, counted horizontally. The default is 90.

Max Grid Refs/View

Sets the maximum number of displayable grid references (crosses) in a view, counted horizontally. The default is 90.

Line Weights

Opens the Line Weights Translation dialog box, which is used to set the display width (in pixels) for each of the 32 line weights.