Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Fonts Installer dialog box

Used to insert fonts into font libraries and to rename and renumber fonts.

Opens when Utilities > Install Fonts is chosen.

Font Installer dialog box


Source File (list box)

Lists the fonts contained in the font file that is open as the source file for font insertion operations and lets you select fonts for insertion in the destination font library.

Destination File (list box)

Lists the fonts contained in the font library that is open as the destination for font insertion operations and lets you select fonts for attribute changes or removal from the file.

>> Copy >>

Inserts the font selected in the Source File list box into the destination font library. If a font with the same name already exists in the destination font library, it is replaced by the selected font.

>> Remove >>

Removes the font selected in the Destination File list box from the “destination” font library. The default font cannot be removed from the file.

Open… (button beneath the Source File list box)

Opens the Open Source Font Files dialog box, which is used to select and open font files.

Open… (button beneath the Destination File list box)

Opens the Open Font Library dialog box, which is used to select and open a font library as the destination or subject for font insertion, removal or attribute changes.

Its controls are analogous to those in the Open dialog box (File menu > Open…).


Opens the Create Font Library dialog box, which is used to create a font library and open it as the destination for font insertion operations.

Its controls are analogous to those in the New dialog box (File menu > New…).

Font Sample

Shows a type sample of the font selected in the Source File or Destination File list box.


Shows or sets the name of the font selected in the Source File or Destination File list box.

Fast Font

Shows the name of the default font, which is marked with an asterisk (*), when an new font is copied from the source to the destination. To change this name, edit it in the text field to the right of the font name edit field.


Shows or sets the number of the font selected in the Source File or Destination File list box. The valid range is 0-255.


Shows or sets the description of the font selected in the Source File or Destination File list box.


Closes the Font Installer dialog box.

Sort menu > by Name

Shows the order in which the fonts are arranged by name.

Sort menu > by Number

Shows the order in which the fonts are arranged by number.

CharacterSet menu

MicroStation vector font resources are typically not encoded in Unicode. The CharacterSet menu is used to set the type of character conversion that the Font Installer performs.

CharacterSet menu > No Conversion

If on, no conversion is performed.

CharacterSet menu > To 1250 Windows Latin 2 (Central Europe)

If on, the Font Installer converts from Unicode to Windows code page 1250.

CharacterSet menu > To 1251 Windows Cyrillic (Slavic)

If on, the Font Installer converts from Unicode to Windows code page 1251.