Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Conversion Options

Contains controls that are used to determine the file to convert and the orientation of the plane on which 2D elements are placed.

View Orientation

Sets the view that determines the orientation of the plane on which 2D elements are placed.

Z Depth and Value

To specify a fixed depth, choose Fixed from the Type option menu and key in the depth, in working units, in the Value field. The default depth is 0:0:0 — the design cube's center. Choosing Contour Z Low or Contour Z High from the Type option menu fixes the depth for all elements at the design file's lower or upper Z contour limit.

Choosing Element Z Low or Element Z High places each converted element at the depth that equals its lower or upper Z range limit. These limits equal the bottom and top of the design cube, respectively , unless modified with EdG or by an application.

Choosing 2D Z Range/Z Low or 2D Z Range/Z High places each converted element at the depth that equals its maintained 2D Z range lower or upper limit. These options are useful only when elements were converted to 2D with Preserve Z Range on (see Export > 2D).