Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide


Contains controls for setting the origin, size and orientation of the referenced raster file in the design file.

Location tab of Attachment Settings dialog box


Location tab of Attachment Settings dialog box for raster files with associated worldfile (sisterfile).



Defines, in working units, the X,Y and Z (Z is grayed out for 2D design files) coordinates for the origin of the raster file. That is, the location of the lower left corner of the image.

The X, Y and Z origin of a 3D design file, is displayed using the difference in the default setting (2147483.6470) and the values obtained when doing a "GO=$". The "GO=$" is the active global origin value.

Pixel Size/Scale Factor

Option menu button providing two choices, Pixel Size or Scale Factor:


Sets the rotation angle of the image.


Sets the skew angle of the image.


Lets you set the width of the image in Working Units.


Sets the height of the image in Working Units

Number of Pixels

Displays the number of pixels in the X and Y directions for the image.

WorldFile Unit

Defines each measurement unit used with the Worldfile (TFW) sisterfile. Default is Meters. This section is only visible when the file has an associated Worldfie (sisterfile).

Geocoding Information

Geocoding information, where it is present in the attached image file, is displayed and may be modified via option menus — one for Coord Sys(tem) and one for Projection.