Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats

Editing View Objects in Other Applications

You can embed view objects in the following ways:

To embed a view object in a container using OLE2
  1. In the container, open the document into which you want to embed the view object.

  2. From the container's Edit menu, choose Paste Special.
    The Paste Special dialog box opens.

  3. In the As list box, select MicroStation View Object.

  4. Select Paste and then click OK.

If you select Picture in the As list box, you cannot edit the view object in the container , but you can resize it.

To edit an embedded view object in the container
  1. In the container, double-click the embedded view object to edit.
    MicroStation opens a new file entitled, “Embedded <filename> MicroStation” but the original source DGN file is not modified.

  2. Edit the object as desired in MicroStation.

  3. From MicroStation, choose File > Exit.
    The DGN file closes, and the container of the updated view object is displayed.

To edit a linked view object in the container
  1. In the container, double-click the linked view object to edit.
    MicroStation opens your original source DGN file.

  2. Edit the object as desired in MicroStation.

  3. From MicroStation, choose File > Exit.
    The DGN file closes, and the container where the updated linked view object is displayed.

If you return to the container after editing a linked view object without saving the edits in MicroStation, you can update the linked view object in the container by choosing Edit > Links and then clicking the Update Now button.

Although only the captured view object is displayed in the container, OLE2 copies to the Clipboard the entire DGN file including attached references.