Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
AutoCAD RENDER Command
In MicroStation, rendering tools are available from the Rendering Tools tool box, and rendering settings are available from the Settings > Rendering menu. The rendering tools include lights, cameras, and materials. To render 3D images, select the render tool, then the view, fence, or element to which the rendering is to be applied. The render mode is analogous to the modes found in the Set View Display Mode view control.
The Apply Material tool provides two methods for assigning materials to a solid. The Assign Color/Level method assigns a material to the color and level of the selected solid. All other solids that match the color and level settings will be assigned the same material. The Attach Attribute method applies materials to individual solids.
Also on the Apply Material dialog, double-clicking on the preview sphere for a material opens the Define Materials dialog box, where you can set ambient lighting defaults and many other material-based attributes. The mode setting is used for modifying or removing assigned materials.