Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats


MicroStation supports three types of fonts: traditional MicroStation fonts, TrueType fonts, and AutoCAD shape fonts (*.shx). The available fonts are located in the operating system \fonts directory, the MicroStation \workspace\system\symb directory in the default font.rsc file, and in the AutoCAD install \fonts directory.

The active font is determined by the current text style (Element > Text Styles), and several different text styles can be defined within a design file. All available fonts of the three types listed above are displayed in the Text Styles dialog box. The active Text Style applies to placed text, annotations, tags, and other element types that use text.

The native MicroStation fonts are not compatible with the DWG file format. If a DGN file is saved to DWG, the fonts are converted to *.shx fonts and stored in the AutoCAD install \fonts directory. For details, see Converting MicroStation fonts to AutoCAD fonts.

To place text using a specific font
  1. In the Text Styles dialog box (Element > Text Styles) create and name a new text style.

  2. From the General tab on the Text Styles dialog box, click the Font row, Value column.

  3. From the list, select the new font for the text style.

    The list of available fonts includes the MicroStation, TrueType, and AutoCAD fonts available on your system.

  4. Save the text style as the active text style.

  5. Use the Place Text tool to select the text style and enter text.

  6. Enter a data point to place the text and preview the font.